Spring Inspired Crafts

It’s easy to see that I am addicted to crafting. Walk in my house and there is painted canvases, foam stickers and painted ceramics everywhere. I’m going to be the little old lady with my own handmade nick-knacks. I won’t need to buy any! Here are a few fun crafts that I have done with my kids and with fellow moms. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Melted Crayon Art…super fun and can be addicting. There are many different ways to create a melted masterpiece. This is how I created mine.


Crayons (Crayola melted better then RoseArt)

Canvas (You can keep it white or pre-paint it)

Glue Gun

Blow Dryer

Fake Flowers

Trash Bag

Burlap Ribbon


1.Choose the color crayons you want to work with.

2. Glue onto bottom of canvas. I glued only the bottom half of the crayons because I was afraid the blow dryer would re-heat the glue and make a mess.

3. Lay out a trash bag to keep your table or counter wax free.

4. Tilt the bottom part of your canvas up a bit. Point blow dryer at 2-3 crayons. Try to only point the blow dryer at the middle part of crayon to the tip. Hold there until the wax melts, it won’t long. Once the crayons start to melt tilt your canvas up more so it drips further. You can also use the blow dryer to push the wax further if you want it to reach the top of your canvas.

5. Repeat step four until all your crayons are melted and you’ve reached your desired look.

6. Let crayons and wax cool.

7. Hot glue fake flowers where you’d like.

8. Cut and glue burlap ribbon.


Coffee Filter Butterflies


Paper Coffee Filters


Spray bottle filled with water

Pipe Cleaners

Glue Gun

Googly Eyes


1. Lay down some paper towels and color your coffee filter with markers.

2. Once colored, lightly spray where you’ve colored. The colors will run and almost look like tie dye.

3. Let dry.

4. Pinch center of coffee filter and fold like an accordion.

5. Wrap the middle part of your pipe cleaner around the pinched section of your coffee filter. Adjust pipe cleaner to make antennas.

6. Hot glue googly eyes onto base of pipe cleaner.

Thank you for sharing this craft Katie C.600_344147962600_344148212

Finger Print Flower


Canvas (I painted mine yellow the night before)

Green Pipe Cleaner

Green Felt cut into two leaves.

Paint Color of your choice

Glue Gun


1. Hot glue your green pipe cleaner the the center of your canvas. Making sure the bottom of your pipe cleaner is close to the bottom of the canvas.

2. Dab one of your toddlers finger tips into the paint. Help guide their finger to the canvas. (You want to their finger prints to be parallel to the pipe cleaner, starting from the middle of the pipe cleaner going up.) Place their finger tip down beside the pipe cleaner. Continue this step until your child’s finger print goes up and around the pipe cleaner, ending in the middle.

3. Hot glue your green felt leaves at the bottom of the pipe cleaner.


Marshmallow Egg (Easter Inspired)


Small Colored Marshmallows

Elmer’s Liquid Glue

Construction Paper



1. Draw an egg with sharpie.

2. Outline your egg with the liquid glue. Fill inside of your egg with glue or make a design with glue.

3. Start placing  your marshmallows onto wet glue.

4. Let dry and you’re done.

eggThank you to Emily L. for sharing this fun and easy craft!



  1. lensgirl53 says:

    I am eagerly looking for crafts to do this summer with my 12 yr old granddaughter. This looks like a fun thing to do!

    1. ihsmw says:

      Glad I can give you some ideas for crafts. I’ll post some more spring and summer ones soon. 🙂

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